Saturday, June 02, 2012

Free bible story illustrations and photos

Free bible images is making available free photos and illustrations relating to bible stories......their quality is very good

This is what they are about.....
To create a visually accurate journey through the Bible as a resource for teaching all ages – available for free download by anyone, anywhere at any time.

  • This resource is free to all users. There is the option to donate for those who want to fund the development of further Bible story images.
  • FreeBibleimages is run by committed Christians. However, we give you the Bible reference for any set of Bible story images, but no message or commentary to accompany them so we remain free of any language, doctrinal or denominational bias.
  • We aim to make the images as historically, geographically and culturally as accurate as possible.
  • This resource is intended to be timeless and suitable for any age group or culture across the world.

FreeBibleimages is the vision of a group of Christians in England who found there were few visual resources to help parents, teachers, lay people or clergy teach Bible passages. We attempted to create images as though someone with a digital camera had been at there at the time. The images on our site can be viewed on any computer or large handheld device such as an iPad. They can be projected onto screens, monitors, smartboards and TVs as a visual aid in retelling Bible stories and events to any age group.
The current team of FreeBibleimages is:
  • John Horncastle (Chairman)
  • Raphe Palmer (Finance)
  • Paul Thompson (Creative Director)
  • Alan Bird (Database)
  • Gary Adams (Marketing)
  • Gill Thompson (Editorial)
The images are created by Tim Wilson an experienced photographer and digital retouching expert and Malcolm MacKinnon a portrait artist who works digitally. Both are Christians worshipping in Churches in England. We have the goodwill of Peter Hutley and the Wintershall players to use their costumes and facilities to shoot scenes for Bible stories. Our Web site is developed by David Gosnell, at Goznet Systems, who has developed web sites for many Christian organisations.
FreeBibleimages is a registered charity in the UK under the umbrella of the Seedbed Trust. Reg. Charity No. 1108363.

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