Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Wiki 52: equipping sacramental church leaders to reach God's lost people

The 5 2 network is again presenting the wikiconference.

The 5 2 network   is a “how to” network equipping sacramental church leaders to more effectively reach God’s lost people. FiveTwo provides communication and knowledge through, facebook and twitter. We also encourage collaboration and camaraderie through Wikiconference, our annual gathering, and FiveTwo Locals, regional gatherings happening regularly around the United States.

This year's conference includes:
34 speakers
Church Planting track
Multi Site track
Multi Ethnic track
Revitalization track
Missional Communities track
Leadership and coaching track
Organisational Development track
Worship Arts track

The conference is being held 24th to 26th September 2012 at Katy Texas. 

For more details visit

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for publicizing this, Richard! I pray all is well, my friend.
