Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Church Planting conference @ home

The Expontential Conference is one of the largest church planting conferences held. 
This year the 5 main stage presentations..plus the family track can be watched via simulcast on your computer anywhere in the world.

Cost is $29 for the main sessions and $49 for the main sessions with the family track...
To book in visit here

Emphasis of 5 Main Sessions:

  • Sifted for a Purpose
  • Sifted in our Calling
  • Sifted in our Purity
  • Sifted in our Relationships
  • Sifted for Multiplication

Emphasis of 4 Family Track Sessions:

  • Avoiding Blowing Up and Burning Out (Jud and Lori Wilhite)
  • How to Disciple Your Children (Mark Batterson)
  • Raising Pastor's Kids (Bill Hybels and Shauna (Hybels) Niequist)
  • Battle Lines: Family and the Ministry (Darrin and Amie Patrick)

Although the conference is designed for church planting leaders, the content and theme will be a blessing to any leader serving the local church.


Church planting is hard, lonely and discouraging. It has its share of trouble. The journey is not for the faint of heart. Over 4,000 new churches start each year, which means upwards of 20,000 planters are in the trenches in years 1-5. Many of these leaders have considered, are considering, or eventually will consider quitting.

Most planters will at some time feel like Peter did the morning after denying Jesus three times. Should we be surprised that God would use seasons of sifting to grow his church leaders?

Sifting is the seemingly painful process through which every child of God has or will face trials that result in being broken and refined, strengthened and restored, and grown and empowered for God's glory and Kingdom expansion. Characteristics of sifting include:

  • Accelerated spiritual growth in times of trouble
  • Increased trust in God and surrender to His sovereignty
  • Refined for increased fruitfulness and multiplication

Although most church leaders understand the importance of making personal development, soul care, and family nurturing top priorities, these things often get lost in our busyness. The result is a fragile foundation for dealing with the discouragement and loneliness in church leadership. Eventually, any unresolved family of origin issues or weaknesses in the marriage will surface, often in the midst of the leader's other struggles.

Many leaders simply are not prepared to see this as a season of sifting through which God intends to grow and strengthen the leader. Many become tired and seek to avoid or ignore the sifting rather than embrace and confront it. Unfortunately, too many become hindered in their own strength.

"Sifted", the theme of Exponential 2012, highlights the importance of the spiritual, physical, and emotional health of the leader as a vital component in catalyzing leaders who reproduce. Where most resources focus on the "doing" of models, approaches and innovations, "Sifted" focuses on the "being" and health of church leaders. The conference seeks to help leaders embrace their unique story of sifting.


Wayne Cordeiro, Jud Wilhite, Charles Jenkins, Darrin Patrick, Amie Patrick, Dan Smith, Shannon Smith, Brian Bloye, Amy Bloye, Bill Hybles, Shawn Lovejoy, Tricia Lovejoy, Dave Ferguson, Sue Ferguson, Andy Hawthorne


Tuesday April 24, 2012
1pm - Main Session 1
3:30pm - Main Session 2
Wednesday April 25, 2012
8:30am - Family Track Session 1*
10am - Main Session 3
1pm - Family Track Session 2*
4pm - Main Session 4

Thursday April 26, 2012
8:30am - Family Track Session 4*
10am - Main Session 5

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