Saturday, March 24, 2012

Kids music: 15 Bible verses put to kids music

Neil Holman has a passion for children knowing the Gospel.   He has put 15 bible verses to music that kids can relate to.
His 15 songs are:
1. All Scripute is inspired by God (2 Timothy 3:16)
2. For God So Loved the World (John 3v16)
3. If We Confess Our Sins (1John 1v9)
4. Love the Lord Your God (Mark 12v30-31)
5. Seek and You Will Find (Matthew 7v7)
6. My God Will Supply All Your Needs (Philippians 4v19)
7. Trust in the Lord With All Your Heart (Proverbs 3v5-6)
8. The Wages of Sin Is Death (Romans 3v23)
9. Anyone Who Calls On the Name of the Lord (Acts 2v21)
10. Blessed Are All Who Wait for Him (Isaiah 30v18)
11. Do Not Be Overcome By Evil (Romans 12v21)
12. In This World You Will Have Trouble (John 16v33)
13. You Shall Call His Name Jesus (Matthew 1v21)
14. A Gentle Answer Turns Away Wrath (Proverbs 15v1)
15. You Will Be Saved (Romans 10v9)

To listen to samples of these songs or to download the song visit

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