Friday, February 10, 2012

Discussion Starter: IS it worth thinking about Googling the church

Google is one of the most widely used organisations on the internet.

Like the church it offers a diverse range of service
Like the church is supposed to do, it crosses many boundaries
Like the church it is a complex organisation, involving a lot of people
Like the church a lot of what it offers is free to many people and very useful (but of course it can never offer what the church is supposed to offer salvation through Jesus Christ)

Of course Google isnt perfect

But we can we learn a some things from Google.....
One area of these learning points is
The aim to make life simple....

Unlike many other search engines their main page is simple and clean

And just recently they ditched over 60 privacy policies (have you ever taken the time to read them) to have 1 more easier to read privacy policy....ummm

Now to your church/ many policies do you have floating around
Is anyone taking any notice of them?

Also how could your church/congregation be simplier?

If you want to explore this more in relation to the church tap into the discussion that Thom Rainer and Eric Geiger get into in their book SIMPLE CHURCH

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