Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Presentation tool to improve your sermon, worship and other group presentation

Check out Prezi- zooming presentation software.....a good way to make worship, sermon and teaching presentations more interactive and appealling....
visit http://prezi.com/ to discover more

Monday, February 27, 2012

transitioning to a missional church without killing your church

Mike Breen from 3dm ministries, leads a 55 minute training session on tranisitioning to a missional church.  
He discusses how congregations should be both attractional and missional. 

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Monday, February 13, 2012

Another way to think about worship- Curating Worship

If you are involved in developing and planning worship services do you see yourself as the pastor, the worship leader, or something else?
Recently a number of churches have called those responsible for worship planning as worship curating.
Worship curating...places a slightly different emphasis on worship planning....  
To discover a little more about worship curating visit:

Clayfire Curator http://www.clayfirecurator.org/about/ 
Was an active blog for worship curators...unfortunately they only gave it just over 12 months  (not long enough for something newish to get a following) and have decided to discontinue contributions to the blog.  But still worth a visit as it has some quality blogs.

Or get hold of the following books:

Curation is a term usually used in the art world for the role of imagining and overseeing an exhibition or art experience. However the word is now being adopted by people in alternative worship, as it affords a very different and inventive way of thinking about how to lead a service or praise event. Rather than simply presiding over liturgy or fronting a band, curation involves negotiating between institutions and artists and making do with what is to hand to create something brilliant. The hope is that moments of epiphany will be experienced as God is invited to be and breathe in the space, and people make connections with their own lives and stories. Curating Worship is in two parts. The first considers the kind of thinking, skills and disciplines involved in good curation. The second consists of in depth interviews, which tease out from people who have curated amazing worship experiences around the world, the ideas and theories behind their approaches and the practical processes involved.

The Art of Curating Worship promotes a new vocabulary to help worship curators work out how and why and where worship can best engage their community, inside and outside the church, in transformative encounters with God.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Discussion Starter: IS it worth thinking about Googling the church

Google is one of the most widely used organisations on the internet.

Like the church it offers a diverse range of service
Like the church is supposed to do, it crosses many boundaries
Like the church it is a complex organisation, involving a lot of people
Like the church a lot of what it offers is free to many people and very useful (but of course it can never offer what the church is supposed to offer salvation through Jesus Christ)

Of course Google isnt perfect

But we can we learn a some things from Google.....
One area of these learning points is
The aim to make life simple....

Unlike many other search engines their main page is simple and clean

And just recently they ditched over 60 privacy policies (have you ever taken the time to read them) to have 1 more easier to read privacy policy....ummm

Now to your church/congregation.....how many policies do you have floating around
Is anyone taking any notice of them?

Also how could your church/congregation be simplier?

If you want to explore this more in relation to the church tap into the discussion that Thom Rainer and Eric Geiger get into in their book SIMPLE CHURCH

Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Lent Resources 2012

Earlier posts of Lenten Resources on LutheranMission

4 Youtube videos from Elevation Church

The truth video

The Work of the People: Lent Videos

Video and individual images of Jesus 40 days in the wilderness

Devotions and studies
Free Lenten Devotions from Lutheran Hour: 
Jesus man on a mission
Printable for your church members

Lenten reflection
Creation to Salvation in 100 words a day

Family Study for Lent
From Global of Discipleship UMC

Lenten section of Family Book of Prayer
Evangelical Lutheran Synod

Lenten Devotions - Water Marks
Luther Seminary (ELCA)

Lutheran Rosary for Lent

A journey into wholeness
A Lenten Guide

Lenten Art Journey

Sites offering a variety of suggestionsEvangelical Lutheran Church in America
Lent Resources and ideas

Discussion on Lent
Thoughts on Lent from Lutheran Confessions blog

Youth Related
Rethinking Youth Ministry

Youth Pastors

Youth and Family Ministry Resources and ideas for Lent
NorthEastern Iowa Synod ELCA

Youth Resources, information and discussion

Worship Guidebook for lent and three days
Augsburg Fortress

Prayers for Lent

Planning Lutheran Worship in the Season of Lent

Worship Well resources for Lent

Lift up your hearts worship resources for Lent and Easter

Publishing House Resources
CPH 2012 Lenten Resources
Includes devotional and worship resources
A living hope
God’s gift of forgiveness
Our suffering saviour
Revelation for Lent

North Western Publishing House Lent Resources
See His Cross
People of the Passion

CSS Lenten Resources
Lenten Special : 8 resourcess for $39.95
The People v Judas Iscariot – Lenten Worship Series
More Alive under the shadow – Bible Study and reflection following the footsteps of Simon Peter
Where’s Noah? – Worship and activities
Bread for the journey – multi sensory worship services
A day of redemption – a tenebrae service for Good Friday

Augsburg Fortress
Lenten Resources
Book of Faith Lenten Devotion Water Marks
Book of Faith Lenten Journey Seven Wonders of the World


Friday, February 03, 2012

Children's Sermon web Site

Children's Sermons Today offers weekly children's sermons relating to the Gospel reading visit http://childrenssermonstoday.blogspot.com.au/ to gain children's sermons to enhance your worship service

Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Liturgical Calendar: explanation and discussion

Many Lutheran congregations use and follow a liturgical calendar. 

Unfortunately a considerable number of members have little understanding of what the calendar is or how it affects the life of the church.

St Paul's Lutheran Church in Kingsville offers some fairly comprehensive information and discussion on the Liturgical Calendar and the various seasons and festivals that form the calendar....To obtain this information visit http://www.stpaulskingsville.org/litcal1.htm