Monday, September 05, 2011

Paper: Worship and Outreach a Lutheran pardigm

This paper explore the need for a Lutheran paradignm of worship and outreach.

Main points covered include:
  • Necessity of a Lutheran paradigm of worship and outreach.
  • The balancing act of a Lutheran paradigm of worship and outreach.
  • Characteristics of a Lutheran paradigm of worship and outreach.
  • A Lutheran paradigm is invitational in character
  • A Lutheran paradigm is Gospel centred
  • A Lutheran paradigm makes the worship experience accessible to the unchurched
  • A Lutheran paradigm prioritizes preaching
  • A Lutheran paradigm is Sacramental
  • A Lutheran paradigm addresses children
  • A Lutheran paradigm uses the marks of the church to lead the marks of the church
  • A Lutheran paradigm features faithful follow up

To read the entire paper visit

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