Monday, February 14, 2011

Senior Adult Ministry resources

We at Senior Adult Ministry have a singular mission:
to bring excellence to ministry for Christians in the second half of life.

We do this by providing the best teaching and learning resources in four separate categories:

1. Well, Wise & Whole DVD Video Programs:
Six inspirational and motivational video programs for use in classes, workshops, retreats, etc.

2. JOHNSON Institute:
An innovative series of twelve self-study, train-the-trainer courses that can be taken individually, or as a planned curriculum leading to Professional Certification, in either,

a) Spiritual Gerontology or,
b) Maturing Adult Faith Formation.

3. Books by Dr. Richard P. Johnson:
(founder and director of Senior Adult Ministry).

4. Spiritual Assessment Profiles:
to illuminate minds, invigorate hearts, and inspire spiritual growth in the second half of life.

Our programs and resources are comfortable in all Christian churches.

We invite you to browse our website, learn more about the abundant possibilities for growth, and to contact us with any questions or requests for consultation on how to make Senior Adult Ministry as vibrant and Christ-centered as possible in your parish, congregation,or other site.

One of their DVD studies is:
This program is comfortable with any adult audience. Participants of all adult ages (50+) find this program warm and inviting; it rests easily on the hearts and minds of people of faith who wish to see their own maturation process (aging) anew from a fresh, vital, and faith-filled perspective.

My research indicates there are 12 essential “keys” of aging and spirituality that transform aging from a potentially dismal time, into an ageless soul-adventure. This program covers how to mature with grace, with verve, and spiritual meaning and purpose. This program is a life-changing experience … sure to completely transform the way you look at aging and spirituality … a real “faith shot in the arm.”

This Program magnifies the true meaning of aging and spirituality; it provides the practical means for making the most of the lifelong years, opening to God's grace, and becoming "Ageless in the Lord". Participants learn how to transform aging from the "thief in the night" into the "master teacher".

Session 1. Key #1: Transform your attitudes about maturation
Session 2. Key #2: Seek love everywhere
Session 3. Key #3: Delight in connectedness
Session 4. Key #4: Live in the "NOW"
Session 5. Key #5: Accept your 'true self'
Session 6. Key #6: Forgive others and yourself
Session 7. Key #7: Let go of anger and other inner turmoil
Session 8. Key #8: Give yourself to others
Session 9. Key #9: Celebrate your faith
Session 10. Key #10: Discover your deep meaning in life
Session 11. Key #11: Make your feelings work for you, not against you
Session 12. Key #12: Achieve balance in your life

For more information visit Senior Adult Ministry

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