Monday, February 14, 2011

Biblical Training...some free...some @ a cost..available on line
The mission of BiblicalTraining is to help build healthy churches by providing world-class educational resources for making new and fully-formed disciples within the context of the local church.

About the courses
Their resources are divided into two basic parts:

Classes for free,
Certificate classes require payment.

Classes are divided into three parts.
1. New Believers are classes and resources design for the person who is beginning their spiritual journey. They also answer many questions non-believers have, and they are good materials for older Christians to work through to make sure they have an understanding of the basics of their faith.
2. Lay Training are generally ten hour classes created for the people in the church, including those moving into church leadership.
3. The Biblical Training Institute is a full seminary-level program of classes.

Courses on offer include
The Story of Jesus,

Now that I Believe. Your First Steps with God,
A Pocket Guide to New Testament Theology,
Dynamics of Christian Spirituality,
52 Major Stories of the Bible,
New Testament
Systematic Theology,
Biblical Theology,
World Religions
Spiritual Warfare,
Church History,
Communicating the Gospel
How to Study Your Bible
Introduction to Christian Education
Small Group Dynamics
Old Testament Survey Summary

Old Testament Survey
New Testament Survey: The Gospels
New Testament Survey: Acts-Revelation
Introduction to the New Testament: The Gospels and Acts
Introduction to the New Testament: Romans to Revelation
New Testament
Life of Christ
Inductive Bible Study
Biblical Hermeneutics
Biblical Greek
Greek Tools for Bible Study
Spiritual Formation
New Testament Theology
Old Testament Theology
Advanced Worldview Analysis
Christian Apologetics
Christian Ethics
History of Philosophy and Christian Thought
History of the English Bible
The Essential Luther
Martin Luther
Introduction to Islam
Introduction to Buddhism
Introduction to Hinduism
The World Mission of the Church
Theology of World Missions
Contemporary World Missions
Educational Ministry of the Church
Pastoral Theology
Introduction to Preaching
The focus of this training is to allow people to receive online training....whilst being involved in their local congregation. want to see people learn within the context of relationships and their local church, and to be changed into Christ-likeness in the process.

for more information visit

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