Monday, November 08, 2010

New Confirmation from Sparkhouse (ELCA): ReForm

Sparkhouse has developed a new confirmation program.....
Here's what they say about it....

We wanted to create something that was engaging for teenagers, but not cheesy. (We love cheese…on crackers, not so much in our churches.) We know that youth today are fully capable of grappling with issues of faith and theology, so we wanted our curriculum to give them room for a good wrestling match. And, of course, we want to help youth leaders any way we can. That’s why we developed a curriculum that lets you lead an interactive confirmation class without a ton of extra work on your end. (You’re welcome!)

So what exactly is re:form confirmation? In three simple words, it’s a way for teens to:

In more words, that are slightly less simple: re:form is a curriculum comprised of three main components:

•Two DVDs with 40 hilarious animated short films that allow kids to encounter concepts from the historic Christian faith. These videos are designed not only to make kids think, but also to make them laugh. (Yes, we encourage laughter…especially in confirmation class!) You can watch some of our preview videos for re:form confirmation here. Be warned: you might laugh, too.
•The Anti-Workbook, which is exactly what it sounds like. It’s not a fill-in-the-blank, there’s-only-one-answer kind of workbook. In fact, it’s the opposite of that. It’s a place where kids can do activities that get them interacting with each other, and it’s a kind of journal to help them explore tough theological questions in creative ways. Whether they’re drawing, cutting and pasting, writing, or just thinking, the Anti-Workbook inspires kids to go a little deeper with their faith and theology.

•The Leader Guide, which will make you look like a superstar by providing the tools you need to help kids respond. You’ll help facilitate conversations—genuine conversations about what they think…not what you want them to think. Instead of giving them answers (which, let’s face it, a lot of us don’t really have nailed down anyway!), they’ll explore their faith and come to understand what they believe for themselves.
So there you have it. A brief (sort of) look at re:form confirmation.

For more information visit here

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