Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Fresh Worship: Creative worship ideas for traditional churches

What is Fresh Worship?
Howard Vanderwell, Resource Development Specialist for the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship, says people come looking for two things in worship: stability and freshness. People need stability in worship so that every week there are things that are familiar. And yet people also need freshness, so that everything is not always the same week after week.

Most traditional churches do a good job with stability. What we need help with is freshness. How to do you say things in a little different way or use art or drama or video to bring God’s story alive? How do you find those resources?

The Fresh Worship blog is a place to come for those resources. It’s a place to ask questions, to jog your imagination, and to share what has worked for you.

Some recent entries include:
■How I Design a Creative Worship Service
■Creative Worship Ideas: The Lord’s Prayer
■Why I Need the Resurrection
■Creative Worship Ideas: Good Friday
■Children’s Artwork
■Planning Ahead for Lent, Palm Sunday, and Easter
■Creative Worship Ideas: Ash Wednesday
■Using a Song as the Focus of Worship
■Advent Prayer Stations


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