Saturday, July 24, 2010

Evangelism Reflections: Dealing with our fears of witnessing

Probably the single greatest deterrent to personal and informal sharing of the Gospel is fear. Fear is the single biggest factor that stops people sharing the Good News about Jesus with others, especially those they have a close relationship with.
The fears we commonly face are:
The fear of rejection. We can be worried about someone saying NO not only to Jesus, but also to us.
The fear of being inadequate. We maybe worried that we won’t be able to answer a question
The fear of being ridiculed. At times we maybe worried about being put down, mocked or told we are weird.
These fears are real and experienced by most Christians. Fears tempt us to give up. However we don’t need to allow our fears to prevent us from moving forward in being witnesses for God. The starting point in dealing with our fears is to rely on God and the help he provides. St Paul writes, “I can do all things through Him who strengthens me” (Phil 4:13). So begin by relying on what God has given us through His word and His Christian community.

We can also desensitize ourselves to the fears. This means although our fears maybe uncomfortable and they are present we take less notice of them and more notice of what God is calling us to do and be, and not allow them to stop us from talking about Jesus.

We also should examine our fears rationally. Ask your self some basic questions like;
‘What is the worst thing that some could do to me in reaction to my witness?
Is the discomfort really a problem?
How does God react to me witnessing?
What are the positive things that occur when we share Jesus love with others?’

Turning our fears into an adventure. Praying for someone, sharing what God has done, is doing and will do and the affect he has on your life, developing a relationship with someone and then watching what God does with your efforts, may not turn out as you vision, but it is likely to have a positive affect on yourself and others. Having the attitude of lets see what God does with what we do, often leads to very rewarding results.

Inadequacy is nothing to fear. In Luke 21:12-15, Jesus reminds us that even when faced with hostility we should not have to worry what to say because He himself will give us the words to say. We don’t have to know everything, in fact a simply response when we are stuck for a response is say, lets discover this together. Then go on an adventure together.

Dispel fear with love. Allow your love for God and those you know who are lost to worry more about them than you do yourself. 1 John 4:18-19 we are told There is no fear in love, but perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears punishment has not been perfected in love. We love because he loved us first. Love has the ability to put our fears in their place. Some years ago there was the story of a car that had burst into flames with a number of passengers. All escaped but one elderly woman. Most of the people who saw the crash we petrified to do anything fearing the flames. One young man rushed through the crowd and the flames pulled the woman from the flames risking injury. He was asked, “why did you do this? Weren’t you afraid about being burnt?” His reply was: “Of course I was afraid, but I couldn’t just stand there and watch her die.” As Christians focussing not on our fears but our love for others and God, will help us be active witnesses even when fears exist.

Action time:
Create at least 2 opportunities for witnessing. Think about at least 2 people you can share God’s love with.
Study your fear reactions. Which fears were the most prominent?
Apply the suggestions in dealing with fears. How do these suggestions affect your feelings?
Attempt a simple witness. Note your reaction and the reaction from others.

Adapted from the book, 'How to share Christ confidently' available at and

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