Saturday, July 24, 2010

Evangelism Reflection: Evangelism is about being deeply immersed in prayer

Evangelism is about being deeply immersed in prayer. An ancient preacher Chrysostom once said prayer "is the root, the fountain, the mother of a thousand blessings." The reality is it is through prayer we submit our thanks, thoughts and ideas to God. Then as we go about our lives, God reveals His answers and He also provides us with strength to be His witnesses in the various situations we encounter.

This fortnight we have an opportunity to join with other Christians in praying
prayers that are focused on being God’s witness;
• Witnessing through celebrating life
• Witnessing through sharing stories
• Witnessing through being aware
• Witnessing through celebrating the faith we have received
• Witnessing through suffering
• Witnessing through faithfulness
• Witnessing through hope and trust
• Witnessing through hospitality
(For further resources relating to the above visit
In your prayers this week, commit some time praying to God about the various areas and situations in which we are called to witness. Also think about the situations you are facing and place these before God asking Him to reveal to you how you can be His witness.
For one week, Christians around the world are being called to focus their prayers into the areas of witnessing.

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