Saturday, May 15, 2010

Weekly Word- take home faith tool

Weekly Word is a take home resource developed by Matt Thiele @ Immanuel Lutheran Church Buderim

The vision of Weekly Word is: “Richly immersed in God’s Word – all ages connected in Christ”.

The idea is to take the ‘WeeklyWord’ sheet home, stick it on your fridge or somewhere you’ll notice, and repeat the verse, meditate on the verse, discuss the verse, and let the verse work it’s way deep into your heart and mind through the week.

We’ve expanded things now by putting it online and setting up an email subscription so you can get ‘weeklyword’ and not miss out if you don’t get the print copy at church.

You might like to go deeper and read the whole chatper the verse is from, or the whole book. Whatever you do with this please “let the Word of Christ live in you richly” – Colossians 3:16.

for examples of weekly word and to sunscribe visit

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