Saturday, April 24, 2010

Lectionary resource: Faith Element

What they say they are about?
FaithElement is a discipleship system that offer a simple but effective way for Bible study groups to grow in faith. Each week, we offer a combination of creative Session Pages, weekday prompts through Facebook, Twitter or email, and a brief Bible commentary video on the chosen passage. Best of all, FaithElement is free!

Faith Elelment offers 5 aproaches to studying a bible lesson from the Revised Common Lectionary readings. The five approaches are:

  • Media (uses movie clips, songs, and other media to spur discussion)
  • Mental (for those who need to understand)
  • Mystic (for those that prefer a spiritual, introspective style)
  • Missional (for those that are interested in action that makes a difference)
  • Youth (for student/youth groups).

The resources are all Free.....and there are notes, video clips, articles and music clips

To discover more visit

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