Monday, April 19, 2010

Door 2 hope:

Door2Hope is based on a Christian outreach strategy called NET Fishing, which links people and their God-given strengths and passions into a Network of Evangelistic Teams. Developed and supported by a Lutheran Pastor

NET Fishing is “stone soup evangelism.” The participants—whether individuals, small groups, churches, or ministries—share whatever they have, so that they all can be more effective in sharing the love of Christ with people. There are no fees or membership dues. The steps to participating in Door2Hope are simple.

Step 1 – Learn
Brief overview: 38-slide presentation
An example:
Detailed description: 42-page document
More details for those who want it: 159-page document
Spiritual Gifts Inventory

Step 2 – Inform
NET Fishing Partner Info document

Step 3 – Dialogue
We discuss with you how we can mutually assist each other.
We connect you with others in the Network of Evangelistic Teams.

Step 4 – Collaborate
We help each partner to reach out more effectively.
We celebrate “playing” evangelism as a "team sport".


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