Monday, December 07, 2009

Lutheran Leadership: Nehmehiah chapter 2

At least the day before you meet as leaders or the day before you intend reflecting further on the Nehemiah Chapter 2

Begin your time together by reflecting on the last week or month you have experienced as a leader.
What have been some of the good things?
What challenges or frustrations have you been facing?
How do the good things and the challenges fit into God's persepctive of being a leader for Him?
How has God been working?

Read Nehemiah 2:1-3
What situations in your congregation's life look similar to what Nehmehiah saw?
What is making your heart sad?

Read Nehemiah 2:4-5
Do you know what it is you would like to happen?
Have you asked God for guidance on what should happen?
Can you articulate what you would like to happen to ohers, especially other Leaders and those who have the ability to help?
Take time now to pray to Go and seek His guidance

Read Nehemiah 2:6-9
What help do you need for God's goals to be achieved through you?
Who do you need help from?
Who do you need to support what God is asking you to do?

Read Nehemiah 2:10
Have you ever faced opposition to what you believe God is asking you to do?
Why do you think people oppose initiatives that are God focussed?

Read Nehemiah 2:11-17
Do you have an understanding of the current situation facing your congregation?
Spend some time reflecting on what God is calling you to do.
Why might it be important spend time focussing on the current situation and what needs to be done?
What are some of the first things that need attending to that will make a difference?

Read Nehemiah 2:18-20
What is important for your team/congregation in undertaking any action?
How will you respond to those who oppose the project or criticise you?
Why may some people be threatened?

Daily challenge
Between now and the next meeting pray to God and ask him for guidance of what is required in relation to your congregation's current situation.

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