Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Stories of our hymns

Singing hymns are an important part of the Christian life, but our life is enhanced even further when we know the story behind the hymns

Stories behind our hymns provide stories and reflections about many of the hymns including those written by:
Clement of Alexandria
John of Damascus
Joseph the Hymnographer
Rhabanus Maurus
Bernard of Clairvaux
Bernard of Cluny
Martin Luther
Paul Speratus
Paul Eber
Nikolaus Decius
Nikolaus Selnecker
Bartholomaus Ringwaldt
Martin Behm
Philipp Nicolai
Johann Heermann
Jacob Fabricius
Martin Rinckart
Paul Gerhardt
Thomas Kingo
Hans Brorson
Nikolai Grundtvig

you can find the stories at

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