Friday, May 29, 2009

A congregation to visit: Bethlehem Lutheran Church Lakewood

Bethlehem Lutheran Church and School Lakewood is a diverse congregation that understands its calling to be a regional center for Missouri Synod Lutheran Christianity, to be an equipping place that helps as many people as possible experience the fullness of life in Jesus:

  • Cultivating remarkable worship, that people would receive and respond to God’s gifts,
  • Intentionally discipling, that people would become more like Jesus,
  • Nurturing significant relationships, that people would grow spiritually by sharing together their life in Jesus.

They offer a broad range of opportunities for people to engage with God and with each other.

Their features include:

Two worship sites running simultaneously on the same campus
Saturday – Contemporary worship, Sunday - Traditional and Contemporary worship
MIDI technology (computer controlled instruments) integrated into contemporary worship
Dynamic leadership training for ministry team leaders
Thriving and well-organized LifeLight Bible study program for 300+ adults
Day school ranked consistently in Denver’s top 25 private schools.
370 in the Day school, Preschool through 8th grade
Expanding rotational Children’s Ministry
Youth Coffee Shop/Ministry Center
Fall musicals drawing crowds of 2,000 on a weekend
Mission field is the 100 foot circle around each member
A staff that works and plays well together
Emphasis on staff health/wellness and healthy boundaries
Team-based governance
Ownership of a medical complex divided between church use and medical tenants
Willingness to try new things
Identity as a “sending place” with several internship programs including a vicar
Family Ministry Resource Center to strengthen family life

There are even some resources available which you may be able to adapt and use, including devotional DVDs

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