Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Emerging Church

One of the phrases being thrown around by those involved in anything new in the church is 'Emerging Church'. Just about anyone who wants to be different can claim to be part of the Emerging Church, for some people it means one thing for others it means something else. When I first started exploring what is the emerging church, some people indicated it was about bringing the old stuff of the church into a new environment and some times understanding it in different ways. Some even used the term Ancient Future. Others said it Christianity as it originally was. After awhile I soon realised that the best way to understand the Emerging Church is to read, visit, participate and explore what it was about it. The following information hopefully helps you on this journey....

Understanding the Emerging Church
Article from Christianity Todays that explores five streams that lead into the lake called the emerging church; they are prophetic, post modern, praxis (how the faith is lived out) orientated, Post evangelical and Political
Wikipedia entry on the Emerging Church provides a quick overview
Religion and ethics news weekly has an discussion that introduces the emerging church
What is the emerging church? article by Scott McKnight
What should we think of the emerging church? article in Christian Post by R Albert Mohler jnr
Apologetics index has a number of articles explaining and crtiquing various aspects of the emerging church
Richard Bennett of Berean Beacon offers an online video that gives an overview of the Emerging Church and some of its leaders.

Concerns about the emerging church
Take back Canada examines and collates a number of articles, books and papers that oppose the Emerging Church
Understanding the times offers a number of articles and resource critizing the emerging church. Some of what they call the emerging church (like Purpose Driven Life) is generally not seen as the emerging church.
Sound witness critiques the emerging church

Resources and web sites relating to being an Emerging Church
Emergingchurch.info offers an introduction, emerging church stories, reflection from those in the emerging church, research, prayer and links
Emergentvillage is a growing, generative friendship among missional Christians seeking to love our world in the Spirit of Jesus Christ. It offers events, PODCASTS and WEBLOGs
The OOZE is one of the original and premier sites for the emerging church movement with a host of articles, conversations, recommendations and a lot more.
The Next Wave is an online magazine for the church in a post modern culture
Tyndale University and College online reading room offers articles, books and links relating to the emerging church
Anglimergent offers details of events, stories, information on books and other resources, discussion and a lot more
ChurchNext is a place where Christians forming new expressions of faith can share stories and ideas
FutureChurch NZ is a platform for emerging forms of Spirituality

Specific Lutheran articles and resources relating to the Emerging Church
Emerging Lutherans offers a range of resources, conversation opportunities and ideas on Lutherans being emerging
Perspective: A good fit for Lutheran theology....the Lutheran (ELCA) magazine
The emerging church, emerging eucharist and the U2charist article in the Lutheran ELCA magazine
Lutheran Emerging Huddle on Facebook
Emergent Leaders Network is a site for sharing resources, stories, experiences, hopes, dreams and prayers
The Lutheran Zephr offers a range of articles and blog articles relating to the emerging church
The Lutheran wikitionary entry relating to emerging church
Emerging Lutheran Blog
Father Hollywood offers a discussion and critque on the claim that Lutherans can be emerging
A short discussion from the WELS church about the emerging church

Emerging Church Congregations
House for all sinners and saints
Church of the Apostles
The Well
The SimpleWay
Solomon's Porch
The Living Room
Cafe Church

Blogs from Emerging Church Leaders
Jesus Creed: Scott McKnight
jakebouma.com offers great resources including a chart comparing various eras of Christianity
Leonard Sweet article and blog
Brian McLaren
Dan Kimball
Erwin McManus
Josh Reich
Dion Forster
Doug Pagitt
Tall Skiny Kiwi

Books and other resources for those exploring the emerging church
Book Reviews in Christianity Today

Emerging Ministry: Being church today (Lutheran Voices)

An Emergent Theology for an emergent church

The Emerging Church

Emerging Churches

Becoming Conversant with the Emerging Church

The Emerging Church:

Listening to the beliefs of the emerging church

They like Jesus but not the church: Insights from the emerging church

Church in the emerging culture: 5 perspectives

Emerging Worship

Confessions of a reformission Rev

If you know of anything else relating to the emerging church please feel free to email me at richard.schwedes@lca.org.au

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