Thursday, March 26, 2009

Lutheran Leadership 9: Being a Godly leader....take Godly rest

Probably one of the hardest things for leaders to do is to take rest as God instructs. Many good leaders are so engrossed and passionate about who they are leading and what they are doing that they can easily find excuses and reasons why taking rest is not possible.

And yet as we flip open the pages of scripture we see rest for a leader is a Godly thing to do...

The biggest leader of all God himself worked for six days then rested, read Genesis 2:2-3 and spend a few moments of thinking How the God who created everything, who has everything in His control takes rest....and ask why?

God also commands us to takes rest...
Read Exodus 20:8-11, Deuteronomy 5:12-14 and Leviticus 23:3
What are these verses saying to you?
What is involved in having a day of rest?
Who else is involved in rest?
What is God asking you to do when you rest?
(Read also and see what happened when Pharoah wouldn't allow His slaves to rest, Exodus 5:1-19)

Read and reflect on Matthew 11:25-30 and see what Jesus says about rest
How does Jesus offer you rest?

Read and reflect on Hebrews 4:1-13 on the importance of rest

Reflect and share on why is resting in God important for you as a leader.
What does God do in our rest?
How does resting in God influence how you relate to those you are leading and your family?
What are the challenges for you to rest?
What do you need to pray to God about in relation to rest?

Read the story of Chick-fil-A who never open on a Sunday and why at

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