Thursday, February 12, 2009

Resources for ministering during times of tragedy including bushfires and floods

These resources have been gathered together to help those going through difficulties as a result of disasters like bushfires, floods, earthquakes, gain comfort from God and explore Where is God in all the mess. They are also helpful for people ministering to others during such times.

A worship service of Prayer, Comfort and Thanksgiving available at

Lutheran Church of Australia's resources

Answers to agony from Pastor Edgar Mayer

Psalms, Bible readings, prayers and suggested songs for times of catastrophe compiled by Andrew Ruddell

Lutheran Disaster Response, offers a range of resources including how to respond to disasters, devotional material, resources for children plus more

Textweek resources

Barney Zwartz's response to those who think that the bushfires are the result of God's judgement

Hymn written following the bushfires
Black Saturday
Tune: Amazing Grace
Norman Habel, 2009

Amazing flames that scorch the sky,
Like hurricanes of fire,
Alive with eucalyptus oil,
Are roaring higher and higher.

These swirling balls of oil ablaze,
That leap o’er trees at will,
Descend on fields and flock and homes,
Explode and burn and kill.

Where’s God in all this swirling ash?
Where’s God in all this pain?
Awaiting somewhere in the sky
To one day send some rain?

The face of God is burnt and black;
The hands of God are red!
The God we know in Jesus Christ
Is bleeding with the dead.

Is this, O God, the shock we need
To face our life ahead,
Adjusting to a Greenhouse Age
When we must share our bread?

Christ, show us now your hands and feet,
The burns across you side
To show you suffer with the Earth,
By fires crucified!

Lutheran Sermons during times of tragedy
Where is God in all this? written following Hurrican Katrina
When disaster happens....God is more interested in caring and saving than judging..

Where is God now? 60 hope inspired devotions especially for those suffering community disasters

Where is God in all this?
From Lutheran Hour Ministries a free downloadable booklet or 40c for hardcopy to help us discover where God is in the midst of suffering

Books: for those wanting to dive a little deeper
Grab a bible and read the book of Job

Good Question: edited by Brian Schwarz has an article about suffering by Bob Kempe. (Local Lutheran Congregation's and pastors may have copies. Or visit the library at

The Problem of Pain by CS Lewis

Where is God when it Phil Yancey

Preaching God's Compassion by LeRoy Aden and Robert Hughes

God, Evil and Human Suffering by John E Thiel

God and human suffering by Douglas Hall

Walking with God in a fragile world edited by J Langford

If you are aware of anything else that may help others minister and receive God's word during this time please feel free to let me know or simply add them as comments


  1. Anonymous10:28 am

    Thankyou for your quick posting of resources that point us to many things to help us see God during these tough times.

  2. I've just come to this page for resources for the Queensland floods and noticed that there are some links to which are no longer available

  3. thanks Keith
    i will try to find some alternative links
