Monday, February 16, 2009

Free online Creative Worship Course

Creative Worship is an initiative of AugsburgFortress,

This course will be significantly influenced by Lutherans in the USA.

Now for the even better news:
Its free
You don’t have to travel to get to the course
And you can do it in your own time and with people from your congregation.

For more information on the course visit:

The course outline is:
Part 1: The VisionWeek
0: Introduction
Week 1: What is creative worship?
Week 2: Casting the vision
Week 3: The importance of team
Week 4: Developing your game plan

Part 2: The Team
Week 5: Team Make-Up (People and Purpose)
Week 6: Fostering a Creative Environment
Week 7: Nurturing Relationships

Part 3: The Process
Week 8: Structured creativity is not an oxyy-moron
Week 9: Remember your focus
Week 10: Ask the right questions
Week 11: Effective Brainstorming
Week 12: Keeping up: developing an effective timeline

Part 4: The Evaluation
Week 13: What questions to ask? / What to evaluate?
Week 14: Don’t take it personally
Week 15: Conclusion

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