Thursday, January 22, 2009

Lutheran Core: L3

About Lutheran Core: L3
Imagine Lutheran churches, one by one, recommitting themselves to the mission and ministry of the Gospel, and working together to bring the Word of Christ to a new generation.
The Lutheran Churches of the Common Confession (LC3) is an association of congregations from across the country which is lifting up such a vision. By covenanting with each other around a shared statement of faith The Common Confession our congregations seek to bring clarity to the modern Lutheran message, build trust among fellow-workers in Gospel, and move forward together within the Church with a common goal and direction. Through cooperative projects, shared resources, and mutual support, we are committed to communicating an intentional Christian witness that is founded on confessional Lutheran theology and grounded in the authority of the Word of God.
It is not the intent of LC3 to form a new denomination or church structure, but to inspire a positive and active Lutheran witness within our present context. Like the mission societies of former generations, we have come together to help each other be faithful in our common calling to share the gospel of Jesus Christ, both at home and abroad.
They also offer some bible studies and suggested youth resources

Their links and resources page list a number of very helpful resources that will help you and others discover Lutheran and Biblical answers to questions such as:
Who is the Lord Jesus Christ?
What is the Gospel of Salvation?
What is meant by the Authority of Scripture?
What is a Common Confession of Faith?
What does the Priesthood of All Believers look like?
How do we understand marriage and Family?
What is Mission and Ministry of the Congregation?
Lutheran Devotional
Small Catechism
Luther Biography
Luther's Theology
Lutheran Church
For Pastors
Quality Journals

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