Monday, December 08, 2008

Thesis paper: Towards a Liturgical Missiology: perspectives on mission work in South Africa

Claudio Steinert has completed a thesis for the Doctorate of Theology in Missioology at the Univeristy of South Africa that looks at liturgical missiology.

Some of the chapters include:
Call for liturgical missiology
Revelations 4:8
Missio Dei and music
Doctrine of the Trinity
Concept of Missio Dei
Mission or evangelism
Mission and conversion
Liturgical missiology
Martin Luther and music
Music in Luther's reformation
Luther's theology of music
Music in Luther's liturgical efforts
Music in Luther's educational efforts
Music in Luther's reformation efforts
Consequences for Lutheran mission
History of music in Lutheran mission
Fundamental qualities of music relevant to mission work
Music and the contextualisation
Music and mission
Spiritual element in mission

to gain a copy of this thesis visit:

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