Monday, December 08, 2008

Lutheran Leadership 5: Leading like John the Baptist

Leading like John the Baptist

Begin by reading Matthew 3:1-17, Mark 1:1-8 and Luke 3:1-20

Now when you think of leaders in the bible, the name John the Baptist doesn’t automatically come to mind, yet according to many popular definitions of leadership John the Baptist is a significant leader. A leader is a person people go to, read Matthew 3:5, Mark 1:4-5, Luke 3:7 .

Now as a leader John the Baptist wasn’t overly attractive. (read Matthew 3:4).
At times as leaders we are not going to be overly attractive, why?
What are some of the things we have done or are doing that are not attractive?

As a leader John the Baptist calls people away from things, behaviours and lifestyles that are inconsistent with God. This is calling people to repent.. (Mark 1:1-4)
What are the things, attitudes or lifestyles we need to call our community and those who make up our community away from?

As a leader John the Baptist doesn’t call people to follow himself, but points them to Jesus where there is new life, hope and joy. (Mark 1:7-8)
How can we show humility like John the Baptist and point people to Jesus?
What hope and new life from Jesus do people need to hear?

Read Matthew 14:1-12
John the Baptist lost his life for being a leader for Jesus.
What does it mean for you to lose your life in being a leader for Jesus?

Final thoughts
And who and what are the John the Baptists in your life?
Who are the ones who call you away from things, attitudes, approaches to life and people inconsistent with God to those consistent with God, to God’s new life?

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