Monday, December 01, 2008

Book: Evangelism for normal people

John Bowen takes a unique look at what it means to witness to one's faith.
Evangelism is something that all Christians can do as a "normal" part of being a follower of Jesus. The book encourages us to take a belonging before believing approach to evangelism.
Witty, wise, and biblically grounded, the book challenges in a gentle way.
Includes study questions for congregational use.

What others are saying about "Evangelism for normal people"
John Bowen is on a quest to discover what evangelism might look like for "normal" people who do not see themselves as evangelists or who may even be suspicious of evangelists. In his characteristic witty style, the "normal" person is contrasted with the "flasher" evangelist who assaults people's sensibilities with inappropriate expressions of spiritual exhibitionism.
His purpose is "to help rescue evangelism from the red light district of the church and put it back on the main street of church life, where it belongs" (16).
This is not just another "how to" book on lifestyle evangelism. It is particularly appealing because it is well grounded in missiology and seeks to address a number of critical issues in the encounter of the evangel and western culture, in particular.
Bowen's writing style is engagingly personal, narrative and witty. At the same time he lays a solid biblical/theological foundation and goes on to tease out the implications of the biblical material for an application to the postmodern pluralistic context of the West.
The language of the book is accessible to lay people and appropriate for use as a small group study book. At the same time, the breadth of biblical work and application to contemporary issues make it suitable as a textbook for an evangelism course. (from Amazon reviews)

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