Monday, November 24, 2008

Book: A field guide for the missional congregation

If you are interested in leading your congregation in mission, maybe very helpful.

A field guide for the Missional Congregation
by Rick Rouse and Craig van Gelder

The main idea of this book is to provide congregations and their leaders the main principles of transformational leadership.

The chapters include:
Encountering God's Work Among Us: A Journey of Discovery
Does the Church Have a Future?

A Missional Identity: God's Vision for Congregations
Develop a Vision for God's Mission
Focus on God's Mission and Discipleship
Cultivate a Healthy Climate
Build a Supportive Team of Staff and Lay Leadership
Stay the Course When Facing Conflict
Practice Stewardship to Build Financial Viability
Celebrate Successes and the Contributions of All
The Missional Journey: Bearing Witness to the Kingdom of God

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