Monday, November 10, 2008

Bible Studies and Bible Study tools

Here are some more bible studies and bible study tools that may help you...

Bible Studies and Technology
Bible Studies and Technology tools is an excellent blog to keep you upto date on the software and technological advancements relating to bible studies and teaching.
Logos for Lutherans One of the most popular distributors of bible software is Logos. Logos for Lutherans is a great way to keep upto date about Logos products, ask questions about using Logos products and find out about freebies.

Lectio Divina
Some find this method of bible study very helpful in their daily devotions as it calls one to study, ponder, listen and, finally, pray from God's Word. To discover more about it visit

Baseball approach to bible study
Kerry Nelson of Covenant Lutheran Church, Houston Texas has developed a baseball approach to bible study, to uncover more about this approach visit

Crossmark Christian Resources offers a range of bible studies and other topics that can be downloaded...
Current studies available include:
In the beginning...
Mark: Marked for Life
A Reading Guide to the Whole Gospel of Mark
A Six Session Study Guide to the Gospel of Mark
1 Thessalonians:
Encourage one another with these words...
1 Peter:
Tested by Fire: Living as a Christian in a Post-Christian Era
It's About Time
Pray this Way...: A Study of the Lord's Prayer
Two Shall Become One: A Biblical Perspective on Husbands and Wives
Habits of Faith: Each day PRAY and SCRIPTURE READ, WORSHIP, GROW, SHARE, and LEAD Parables and Paradise: Living the Paradoxes of Faith - NEW CD-ROM Available!
Matters of Life and Death

Atonement Lutheran Church (Newport Oregon) offers online, interactive bible studies.
Current online studies include:
Why read the Old Testament?
The Gospel of Judas, the church and politics of exclusion
Talking back; The Psalms as a critical conversation with God
Never Left behind: The true Revelation of God.

Lutheran Hour Ministries offers online, interactive studies
Current Studies include:
Our new life in Christ
The promise is for you
Foundations of faith

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