Saturday, November 01, 2008

Advent and Christmas Plays

The following plays have either been written by, used by or recommended by a Lutheran member, pastor or congregation.
If you have any to contribute or recommend please feel free to email me

Advent Candle Lighting Script based on characters of the Nativity by Pastor Richard Schwedes North Tasmania Lutheran Parish

Richard Fairchild's seasonal resources page includes both Advent candle lighting scripts and Christmas plays

Four Gifts of Christmas

Remembering Christmas

Tales of the Unexpected from Tea Tree Gully Lutheran Church

Twas the night before the Christmas Play by Pastor Ian Lutze of Immanuel North Adelaide Lutheran Church, Australia

Amongst a mess comes Christmas by Pastor Richard Schwedes North Tasmania Lutheran Parish

Family worship resources for Christmas includes a Christmas Play called Virtual Nativity

Don't Settle for the Wrappings and He makes all things beautiful by Kidskountpublishing can either be purchased via cd or downloaded. Kidskount is the publishing arm of King of Kings Church Omaha (LCMS).

A Religious Christmas recommended dramas

Concordia Publishing house suggests God's family tree, A shepherd's Christmas, From Heaven above, A way in a manger, Jesus born for us

Augsburg Fortress suggests The Surprising Christmas pagaent, Destination: BETHLEHEM , The Wonder: A Christmas Program for Children

North West Publishing suggests Singing with Saints and Angels ,The Savior has come, To us a child is born

Also look under last years entry as there are some other dramas and worship services listed

AND DON'T FORGET IF YOU HAVE ANY SUGGESTION either email me or add them to the comments below

1 comment:

  1. Check out our recent entry for Advent
