Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Simple Church conference 2008 recordings and free book

The Simple Church conference was held in September 2008

Sessions included
Stories in Islamic Countries
Prayerfully Wrestling with Issues
Conversations with Wolfgang: Leaders of Church Planting Movements
Stories in Asia
The Chinese Phenomenon
Why movements rise or fall
Practical Skills for building House Churches
"The Aussie Church Landscape" Philip Hughes CRA
Highlighting the Aussie Stories
Conversation with Wolfgang: Ministry in Urban Contexts
The Starfish Phenomenon
The World of Difference
So how then should we be?
From what I Hear! Australia & the World
What They Might Look Like
Their DNA
What would it take in Aussie?

For recordings visit: https://secure.lifeexpedition.org/simplechurch/downloads.php#

For the free pdf book visit: http://www.oikos.org.au/blog/wp-content/uploads/2008/10/the-starfish-vision.pdf

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