Monday, October 20, 2008

Discovering Hope: a resource for rural and small town congregations

Discovering Hope is a process that helps rural and small town congregations rediscover their purpose and sense of mission. This evangelism tool is based on the book Discovering Hope: Building Vitality in Rural Congregations written by David Poling-Goldenne and L Shannon Jung. This resource celebrates the best practices of 26 rural and small town congregations highlighting their effective work in the areas of prayer, worship, discipleship, evangelism, congregational care and leadership.

The premise of this book is that the real experts on congregational vitality in rural settings are the people who have experienced it first hand.

For more information visit

Discovering Hope: the book
by L. Shannon Jung and David Poling-Goldenne
The chapters include:
Stories of Hope: Finding Vitality in Rural America
Prayer: Letting Go and Letting God
Worship: Building Community and Hope
Making Disciples: Learning to Live Jesus' Way
Evangelism: A Way of Life
Caring Ministries: Serving as Jesus Served
Leadership: Who's Driving the Tractor?
Context: Discovering the Gift of Place
Mission: Possible — Discovering Hope for the Future

Going Deeper: Resources for Further Study

To buy the book visit

If you are in Australia contact Augsburg Fortress' Australian agent: Australian Church Resources
phone: 1300 36 75 75

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