Thursday, September 25, 2008

illustration: Always have hope

Often we can think life is too tough, that there is little hope.
There is often a strong temptation to give up, especially when seem to be struggling and never getting ahead.

Recently a Rugby League semi final between the Brisbane Broncos and Melbourne Storm demonstrated the importance of never giving up and doing the right thing.
With their eyes on the premiership, some weeks before the finals all the players from Melbourne Storm agreed not to partake in any alcohol until after the Grand Final. Ironically leading up to their game with the Brisbane Broncos 3 Bronco players were in trouble for some antics as a result of over indulging in alcohol. One high profile reporter even quipped, "what a great story this will be if the Broncos beat the Storm, the team that does the right thing beaten by the team that doesn't"
And at half time with the Broncos leading 12 to nil that looked like what was going to happen.
At the 78 minute mark with the score now at 14 to 12 in Brisbanes favour Melbourne Storm have possession of the ball, but one of their players fumbles it and the Broncos take posession. The game and the seaon look over for the Melbourne Storm.
However with their never give in spirit, the Melbourne Storm keep up their tackles and shortly after the Broncos lose possession.
But still at the 79 minutes, 14 second mark it looked like Melbourne Storm's season was over, they had played poorly, they had been behind all day.
Then the Storm scored a try (similar to a touch down) and they were in front for the first time of the day 16-14.
The hooter sounded some 46 seconds later and they were the winners.
After the game the Storm Coach Craig Belamy was reported as saying that no matter how bad things look you never give up and that is why we won.

As Christians life can get pretty tough and there is always the temptation to lose heart. But there is something we should remember God has already defeated Satan for us, and we will experience life with God. So when things get tough or appear over bearing keep focussed on God and the fact he has already won and we are just waiting for the victory party.
However at the 79 minute
They were behind and struggling. Rugby League is played for 80 minutes.

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