Saturday, September 27, 2008

Free Book: The way of salvation in the Lutheran Church by GH Gerberding

Published in 1887

This book is available free through Project Gutenberg at You can either read it online or download it.

chapters include:
Prepartory Scripture passages
All are Sinners
All that is Born of the Flesh must be Born of the Spirit
The Present, a Dispensation of Means
Baptism, a Divinely Instituted Means of Grace
The Baptismal Covenant can be kept unbroken--Aim and Responsibility of Parents
Home Influence and Training in their Relation to the Keeping of the Baptismal Covenant
The Sunday School in its Relation to the Baptized Children of Christian Parents
The Sunday School--Its relation to those in Covenant Relationship with Christ, and also to the Unbaptized and Wandering
Contents, Arrangement and Excellence of Luther's Small Catechism
Manner and Object of Teaching Luther's Catechism
The Lord's Supper
The Preparatory Service, Sometimes Called the Confessional Service
The Word as a Means of Grace
Conversion--Its Nature and Necessity
Conversion--Varied Phenomena or Experiences
Conversion--Human Agency
Modern Revivals
True Revivals
My Church! My Church! My dear Old Church!

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