Saturday, July 26, 2008

A handbook for small Sunday School leaders

Being a leader of 3 small congregations can be frustrating, especially when we have some enthuastic Sunday School leaders and a very small Sunday School.

Sunday School leaders at small Sunday Schools should be applauded and need constant encouragement and often some inspiration. Whilst the handbook for small Sunday School leaders will not give all the answers it is a good resource for any Sunday School leader to work through with their pastor and/or church council.

The handbook covers:
  • Blessings and Challenges - reflections on some of the gifts and obstacles unique to the small Sunday School experience. This section also includes some practical strategies and “solutions” for specific challenges.
  • “Here’s What We Do” - inspirational ideas that have been used with success in small Sunday Schools (shared by small Sunday School leaders from the MNO Synod)
  • Educational Resources - links to professionally-developed curricula, teaching materials, and other educational resources for small Sunday School leaders.

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