Monday, June 23, 2008

Monthly Feature: Stewardship

Say the word stewardship and automatically racing through many people's minds are many different thoughts....and not all of them biblical or healthy.

Unfortunately in some circles the term being a good steward and stewardship has been used to justify not spending this case the person who does not spend money is seen as a good steward (even if people are neglected) and the one who does is seen as a bad one (even if there intention was to bring God's love to someone)...well that may sound right in some people's ears but it is not consistent with scripture check out Matthew 22:17, Mark 7:9-13, Luke 3:11; 12:32-48; Romans 13:6,7; 2 Corinthians 8:1-4; James 2:14-16; 1 John 3:17,18; 1 Timothy 6:17-19.

Others view it only from the perspective of money...however stewardship involves far more than just involves all the resources in our lives...both tangible and intangible.

Here are some helpful definitions of stewardship:
  • The root meaning of the biblical word for stewardship is “the management of a household”, usually on behalf of someone else.
  • The believer’s response to the creating, redeeming and sanctifying love of God.
  • A way of life that includes the way we manage our whole redeemed lives and possessions.
  • What we do after we say “we believe”.
  • Caring for all that God has entrusted to us.
  • The fruit of saving faith.
  • The church in mission.
  • The way we use the resources God has entrusted to us for the purposes to which the Lord has called us.

Following are some resources and links to resources and web pages that may help you as you reflect on, share and guide others in what it means to be one of God's stewards:

Pastor Greg Priebbenow of St Paul's Box Hill Lutheran Church has notes and thoughts on Stewardship available, which he prepared from reading a number of resources relating to stewardship. If you are interested in obtaining a copy of these notes, feel free to email him at

Joy Lutheran Church theology of Stewardship suggests that stewardship is a growth process and that the growth stages in Christian Stewardship are:.

  1. We learn to “WORSHIP GOD”!
  2. We learn to “DO ACTS OF LOVE”!
  4. We learn to “BE FREE TO GIVE”!

ELCA stewardship site is from the perspective that stewardship is:

  • everything we do after we say I believe.
  • Making a faithful response to God’s grace, gratitude and generosity
  • About money, but not only about money
  • Helping others grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ through the use of the time, talents and resources entrusted by God

they offer a range of resources including stewardship programs, sermon starters, stewardship newsletter, stories, financial response resources, mission approaches, fundraising and a year round approach to stewardship.

Lutheran Church Missouri Synod stewardship site aims to nurture God's people into maturing stewards who freely and joyfully manage all of life and life's resources for God's purposes. You will find on this site.. Amongst the many resources for stewardship you will discover resources for stewardship, Biblical stewardship principles, a workbook, guidelines for fundraising, power point presentations and web casts.

WELS stewardship site...has details about setting up a stewardship program, resources relating to stewardship for worship and sermons, bible studies, planning resources and articles relating to stewardship.

Stewardship of Life Institute mission is to serve stewardship in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America through its seminaries. This site offers a large range of resources relating to Stewardship including humour, Stewardship 101 (basic introduction), sermons, papers and essays, meditations, prayers, liturgies, illustrations, ideas, programs and a weekly newsletter..

Messiah Lutheran Church Madison connects stewardship and spiritual gifts, encouraging us to know what resources God has given we will be willing to use them.

Ontario Stewardship Network offers material from 2 workshops Stewardship 101 and Stewardship of Creation...

Sermons from Seattle offers a stewardship bible study and sermons

Stewardship Connection is a site of stewardship resources either compiled or used by Dr Eugene Grimm. On the site you will find details about:

  • His services
  • The Celebrate Generosity Stewardship Program: bya four-week Bible-based program that invites people to move toward and beyond a tithe in their giving. Based on 1 Corinthians 16:2, it celebrates both God's generosity and our generous response to God.
  • Stories to Tell & Gifts to Share
  • Generous People resource
  • Details of teaching tithing
  • Plus a lot more

Generous Giving aims to motivate followers of Jesus Christ toward greater biblical generosity. They are aiming to transform people for revolutionary generosity. Their message proclaims the joy of giving—not out of duty or guilt, but out of gratitude for salvation in Christ. A large number of resources relating to money, giving and stewardship.

Luther Seminary Stewardship resources has a large data base of articles, web site links,
books, videos, audio presentations, short stories, quotes and more!

Thrivent financial resources offers a range of programs including a Financial Education Curriculm, Simply Giving and Giving plus program, that can help individuals and congregations.

Concordia Publishing house offers a range a resources for individuals, children and congregations

Augsburg Fortress provides a range of resources to encourage stewardship and to help congregations develop a stewardship program.

CSS has three stewardship programs available for preview

Some more resources and books to be posted shortly

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