Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Being a witness beyond death

Recently our parish has commenced a time of discipleship equipping in worship.

We started off with being a disciples through our death.
With the reminder that death is not the end, but the stepping stone to the future with God.
We encouraged people to think about how their funeral service can be used to glorify God, and connect the God we know to some of the people we know.

We encouraged people to think about what message that you want people to know about their loving God, and what bible verses and hymns maybe helpful in supporting.

We also distributed a brochure...encouraging people to think about their funeral, life and God's involvement in both.
We asked people to pray about it, talk it over with their family or close friends and provide the church, their solicitor and family members with a completed copy.

If you would like a copy of the brochure in publisher file feel free to email me richardschwedes@gmail.com

Richard Schwedes

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