Sunday, April 13, 2008

Importance of children in mission

Over the last two days two instances have come to me regarding the importance of children in relation to mission.

First was at the Get Real conference...Dr Mike Foss asked Grand Parents....would you do whatever it takes top see your Grand Children loved by Jesus!! (and would you allow children to bring food and drinks into the church)

On the same day i was reading the book Confessions of a Reformission Rev by Mark Driscoll (more on this book later) when he was confronted with the fact that his church only catered for Gen X and had no children's ministry and someday the young adults he had in his church will have children, but he didn't have any children's ministry to offer them and could see they would go elsewhere unless something was offered. Almost immediately when he offered children's ministry families came.

Think about it....what about your church does it say children are welcome!! or would families with children be wondering do they really fit in here or are they a nuisance?

Didn't Jesus say something about....let the little children come to me

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