Monday, March 31, 2008

A model for Urban Church planting

In the light of the ever-increasing urbanization of today's world, the need for
effective urban church planting is becoming acute. The following article offers one model
for the initial phase of planting a cross-cultural urban congregation, a model which has
grown out of the authors' combined experiences – in all, nearly 30 years in urban Latin
America. This model has been used successfully in Barquisimeto, Venezuela, a city of
nearly one million people, and characterized by strong resistance to the Gospel
(approximately 3% of the population are practicing Christians). Following this model, a
congregation was formed with a core group of 25 regular worshippers. Since that time 4
years ago, the church has grown to over 80 worshippers – every one of them a new
convert to Christianity!
Even before reading this model, we offer the following four recommendations to
any urban church planter: 1. Pray regularly. 2. Be creative, open-minded, and flexible. 3.
If you choose to follow this guide, do things in order! 4. Don't assume that something
written here does not apply to your situation until you have first tried it out!...

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