Monday, November 05, 2007

Congregations to visit:Lutheran Ministries of South West Oklahoma

Smaller congregations working for the purpose of mission and not just to save money can come up with effective ways to brings God's love amongst their communities.

The Lutheran Ministries of South West Oklahoma is Lutheran congregation in Altus, Elk City and Lone Wolf.
We're a Christian ministry offering a broad menu of opportunities for families and individuals to take part in a celebrating spiritual community. Human care, Christian education, children & family, music and community service are particularly important values in our ministry. Our mission is to care for people in such a way that they experience the presence of Jesus.
Our ministry takes an approach of partnership, networking churches and linking people to ministry throughout southwestern Oklahoma. You'll always see lots of people all over our web pages because people like you are the focus of our ministry. and

On their web site you will find some information about:
A Christian Martial Arts ministry
A link to Seccutus, their praise and worship band
Scripture scrapbooking
ONLine Sermons
Links to each of their congregations
50 days in the bible journey
Links to learning about Islam
An article on holding up under pressure

As you read through their web site you see they value people and partnerships...maybe something there to help you

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