Friday, February 16, 2007

Resources for Lent

Doing God's mission and being missionary people means listening to God as we will hear this week in the Transfiguration message.....

Lent provides the ideal opportunity for each of us to listen to God, reflect on our relationships with God and with others.

So here are some links to resources to helps us do this, if you have more it would be great to hear from you!!!!
from the ELCA:
A sermon series based on biblical texts and Dietrich Bonhoeffer's meditations on these texts
Lutheran Church Missouri Synod:
A devotional study from North East Ohio Synod
A list of lenten resources housed on the Lutheran Church of Canada's web site
All about Lent....

If you have any ideas or suggestions regarding Lent and helping us during this time please leave a comment

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:47 am

    Ashes...what is something creative we can do with ashes for Ash Wednesday....any ideas?????????
