Friday, December 01, 2006

Web site: Centred Life

The Centred Life's slogan is connecting Sunday to Monday..

Centred Life mainly focuses on helping congregations help indivduals in discovering, nurturing and living out their calling.

Centered Life is an initiative for congregations that share the belief that the mission of the church is to nurture, equip, and send forth their members to see their whole lives as ministry. Members:

  • are helped to discover their strengths and their calling.
  • are encouraged to use their strengths to live out their calling in their homes, communities, work, and congregation.
  • discover meaning, purpose, and identity as faith becomes relevant to all aspects of their lives.
  • are drawn to regular attendance and participation in worship and congregational life as the primary source of nurture, sustenance, and growth in faith and life.

The Centred Life is not about living a different life, but living life differently.
Your calling is your life, it's in the work you do every day—as a parent, child, neighbor, caregiver, volunteer, worker, or however you spend your time.

To know your calling is to know:

  • meaning and purpose
  • identity and belonging
  • freedom and hope

"...I always thought I came into this world to go to church; now I see that I'm in the church to go into the world." - Nelvin Vos, Seven Days a Week

It offers ways and ideas on how you and others can discover their callings, many resources some free and some at a price.

Why not venture into the site and see what it may offer your congregation

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