Thursday, November 16, 2006

Mission in context: Transformation, reconciliation, empowerment a LWF document

The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) is a global communion of Christian churches in the Lutheran tradition. Founded in 1947 in Lund, Sweden, the LWF now has 140 member churches in 78 countries all over the world representing 66.2 million Christians.

The Lutheran World Federation Department for Mission and Development works together with member churches of LWF to create, maintain and develop ministries that integrate proclamation, service and advocacy for justice. Church leaders and workers, both clergy and lay, are trained through LWF sponsorship. About 450 ongoing mission, communication and development projects and programs worldwide are carried out annually for the benefit of churches and communities.

They have produced the document - "Mission in context: Transformation, Reconciliation, Empowerment - An LWF Contribution to the Understanding and Practice of Mission."
This 62-page publication aims at stimulating a self-analysis and reaffirmation of mission in context among the LWF member churches and other bodies.
The LWF Mission document is available in English,
French, German and Spanish.

To download the full content of the LWF mission document please follow the links below:

Full LWF Mission document (low resolution – PDF, 1.754 MB)

Preface and Introduction (PDF, 313 KB)
Section 1 - Contexts of Mission (PDF, 341 KB)
Section 2 - Theology of Mission (PDF, 642 KB)
Section 3 - Practice of Mission (PDF, 438 KB)
Conclusion (PDF, 142 KB)

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