Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Book: The Evangelizing Church: a Lutheran contribution

Book of the Week
Evangelizing the Church: A Lutheran Contribution

A Lutheran Confession
The gift is a call
Addressing captives in Babylon
For the sake of the world
Called out of our comfort zone
Navigating difficult questions
After the death of evangelism-the rise of an evangelizing church

WhAt OtHeRs are saying........
Ralph Quere says, "Hail the evangelizing church! This is the book I've been awaiting for three decades." see more of this review at

The developing theology journal says, "This book exhibits the best of Lutheran scholarship and draws on the best of the Lutheran tradition, seeking to reclaim the "Evangelical" for which they have been named. The Evangelizing Church calls Lutherans to heed the call of the gospel and get on board with what God is doing in the world." Take a stroll through this review at


any other reviews you find please email me at schwedes@ozemail.com.au

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:44 am

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