Thursday, September 21, 2023

Pastoral Resources for ministering when our community is divided

At present there seems to be a movement, in Western Society at least, of people gathering together in tribes, holding onto positions very strongly to the detriment of their relationships with others and even God.   And this is leading us to being a divided community.   

  • So how do we  minister and respond as Christians when division arises?
  • How do we care for our Christian communities?
  • How do keep focussed on the mission God has given us, of sharing the Gospel and making disciples of all nations?
Ministering and being focussed on God's mission is not easy.  It is even more difficult when the community is divided, yet it is our call to be ONE as missionaries and disciples of Jesus.  

Listen to God through St Paul challenging the early church in Philippi 

Therefore if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion,  then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.  (Philippians 2:1-5)

Now this sounds great until there is an issue where we differ with someone on.   And the church has not always handled being ONE well.  Sometimes our solution to being one has been to reduce the number of people who are part of the church to only those who agree on all issues we agree on.   Other times we have put stringent and strict rules in place to force people, to at least on the surface to act as one, but often this has resulted in a loving unity of spirit not being present.   Other times we have simply ignored the issues that are causing disputes, even though some people are hurting and need care.   

Yet God does call us to be a community that 

  • is diverse (all nations), 
  • cares for and loves all people (people inside and outside the church)
  • keeps focussed on sharing the Good News of Jesus and helps people grow as disciples

And these 3 things combined can at times lead to disunity and division.   So the following resources hopefully help us be a community of faith


Living Lutheran - Facing divisive issues in the Beloved Community

Carey Nieuwhof - An open letter to pastos in divisive times

Melbourne Anglicans - On divisive issues we should listen to Paul

Christians for Social action - Divisive Issues as Spiritual Practice

Crossways - In a Divisive World Your Values Reveal Your God

4 things Christians can do in a divisive political time

Christian Unity in a divisive world

Embodying faith in a divisive age


Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Book: Canoeing the Mountains

 Over 100,000 Copies Sold Worldwide!

Canoeing the mountains is a book to help Christian leaders to prepare for leading their church and ministries into the future.  

Explorers Lewis and Clark had to adapt. They had originally canoed up a waterway, and expected this waterway to continue all the way to the Pacific Ocean, instead they found themselves in the Rocky Mountains, with no water way.  So what got them to where they were was not going to help them for the next part of the journey.   You too may fe

el that you are leading in a cultural context you were not expecting. You may even feel that your training holds you back more often than it carries you along.

Drawing from his extensive experience as a pastor and consultant, Tod Bolsinger brings decades of expertise in guiding churches and organizations through uncharted territory. He offers a combination of illuminating insights and practical tools to help you reimagine what effective leadership looks like in our rapidly changing world.

If you're going to scale the mountains of ministry, you need to leave behind canoes and find new navigational tools. Now expanded with a study guide, this book will set you on the right course to lead with confidence and courage.

Lutheran Church Workers

Andrew Fuller Blog

Journey UCA 

Monday, September 11, 2023

The Voice: Christian perspectives

 On 14 October 2023 the people of Australia are being asked to vote on the following question

“A Proposed Law: to alter the Constitution to recognise the First Peoples of Australia by establishing an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice.

Do you approve this proposed alteration?”

The following information has been shared by various Christian Communities and organisations to assist us in prayerfully and purposely considering our vote

Lutheran Church of Australia and New Zealand - discussion guide 

Anglican Church of Australia - articles and opinions from various dioceses and agencies

Anglican Bible studies 

Roman Catholic Church of Australia - Australia Catholic Bishops Conference 

Roman Catholic Church of Australia - One journey together

Australian Baptist Ministries

Baptists - Justice for first nations


Salvation Army

Uniting Church of Australia

National Council of Churches

Victorian Council of Churches

The Gospel Coalition 

As we become aware of more resources from Christian organisations relating to the voice this list will be updated,

ONLINE SEMINAR: A Christian critical theory?

New College Lectures - A Christian Critical Theory?
Tuesday 10 October, 2023-Thursday 12 October 20237:30 pm-9:30 pm
In Person and online at New College 

How we understand the world is influenced by our background and experiences. For each of us, there will be some things that grab our attention, others we overlook, some things that we celebrate, others we condemn. Critical theories describe and develop these sensitivities, allowing us to see things that were previously hidden, giving us a sense of how the world works, and showing us how to make it better.

In recent decades feminist, postcolonial, race and queer theories have played an important role in shaping mainstream public discourse and policy. But what happens if we let the Bible, with its own distinctive emphases and outlook, fashion a critical approach to modern society? Associate Professor Christopher Watkin will explore this question in his 2023 New College Lecture series, as he discusses some of the unique, fresh, and often surprising insights to be drawn from a biblical critical theory.

Event Program:
Lecture 1: Origin (Tuesday, 10th October)
The stories we tell about human origins often say more about us, the ones telling those stories, than they do about our ancestors. This lecture analyses some of the prominent stories late modernity tells itself about the human past, comparing them to the Bible's account of human origins and evaluating how different stories seek to account for the complexities of human life and experience. 

Lecture 2: Identity (Wednesday, 11th October)
No single question is more important to our late modern consciousness than "who am I?" Haunting and tantalizing in equal measure, it drives the plot of our films and books, fills our academic libraries, and sometimes even keeps us awake at night. Through contrasting prominent modern responses to that question with an account of identity drawn from the Bible, this lecture shows how different ways of understanding who we are have great power to shape our lives.  

Lecture 3: Destiny  (Thursday, 12th October)
Just as the final chapter of a novel or the final scene of a film can change our understanding of everything that came before it, no account of human life is complete or stable without a sense of human destiny. This lecture looks at some of the most influential modern theories of humanity's future alongside the biblical account of the last things, showing how different ideas of human destiny yield radically diverse ways of living in the world.

Children's Ministry Curriculum - GROW KIDS


A Lectionary based Children’s Ministry curriculum
GROW Kids provides a lesson plan for each Sunday of the Church year. This resource allows you to GROW Kids in knowing Jesus and his love through story telling, worship and service.
GROW Kids understands that groups of children that gather for a children’s ministry program are often small and that the ages vary. This resource provides opportunities for you to tailor the sessions to suit your audience. The creative response is a suggestion, if you have a better idea, please feel free to make whatever tweaks and changes you need to meet the needs of the children in your group.
Visit the site to download an example
Current cost is $50 (Australian) for the year - downloadable

Book: This is most certainly true - learning Jesus Christ through Luther's Small Catechism

This is most certainly true - learning Jesus Christ through Luther's Small Catechism

Dr Mark Worthing

This is most certainly true is an engagement with Luther's Small Catechism that helps us discover Jesus Christ for today's context, with a biblical focus.  Dr Worthing discusses more deeply in an easy to digest manner each section of the catechism and their relevance for knowing Jesus, life and faith.

This book is ideal for:

  • Anyone new to the Christian faith or Lutheranism
  • Confirmation instruction
  • New Members classes
  • Small groups looking to  review or renew their faith
  • Resource for worship and sermons
  • Devotional resource

Reviews and recommendations

"This clear, lively engagement with Luther's Small Catechism grows you in faith, while at the same time helping you to reflection what this means for daily living. Ideal for small groups focused on discipleship."  Robert Bartholomaeus - Bishop, Lutheran Church of Australia, NSW & ACT

"This is Most Certainly True highlights beautifully the brilliance of Martin Luther's Small Catechism. [It] reminds us how relevant and applicable Luther's Small Catechism still is today and how it cuts through to the basic simple truths of God's love for us, and how we can live a purposeful and meaningful life."   Carolyn Teusner, mother and carer

"Dr Worthing;s explanation of Luther's Small Catechism clears up much confusion surrounding Christian faith and values today with a clear presentation of the message of the gospel. It will be of great help both to Church leaders, including clergymen/women, and to everyday believers seeking uphold professional and moral standards and to live as people of faith."  Peter Garang Deng, educator

"Not having been brought up in a Christian family, this book was a wonderful inspiration for me and will benefit anyone wanting a better understanding of the essentials of the Bible. It is a clearly written and concise analysis of Luther's Small Catechism and will appeal to those wanting to learn more about Lutheran doctrine as well as Christianity generally. This is Most Certainly True is a powerful tool for the Christian life which I highly recommend."   Peter Geyer, lawyer

Australian Christian Resources

Book: Resilient Pastor by Glen Packiam

How can pastors become resilient in a rapidly changing world? Is it possible to love well and lead faithfully? In the wake of crises that have exposed and accelerated massive cultural shifts, we see more clearly the seismic shifts of post-Christendom, the surging storms of a new paganism and pluralism, and the scattered debris of the cultural aftermath.

Drawing on new research from the Barna Group, Scripture, and church history, pastor, theologian, and researcher Glenn Packiam addresses some of the most pressing questions for today's leaders, including

- What is a pastor's calling and vocation?

- How do church leaders regain credibility in a disillusioned world?

- How do church leaders cultivate a deeper life with God?

- How do pastors develop meaningful relationships?

- Why does the church gather in worship? Does it still matter if we do?

- How do we actually make disciples in this new landscape?

- How can we face the challenges to unity presented by nationalism and racism?

- What is the church's mission in the world?

- How do we welcome the presence and power of God in our churches?

This book is for all who are burdened by the challenges facing the church as well as the turbulence of our times. With infographics, enlightening data, and insights from other ministry leaders, this book is the perfect resource for church leaders who want to cultivate resilience in their ministry today.

Available from

Australian Christian Resources

