Friday, October 28, 2016

Book/Course: Growing as God's people

Growing As God's People
By Rev David Strelan (editor) Geraldine Soh (illustrator)
Revised and updated for 2016 and beyond

Special introductory price - $20.00 until 16 December 2016
Will be $34.00 from 17th December 2016

Growing as God's people has been resdesigned with updated layout and graphics for today's generations, whilst  retaining the same accurate, authentic, and reliable ‘Growing’ teaching text from the original

As you use this resource, by yourself or in a group or class setting, it can help you;  

  • Know more about Jesus Christ and the good news of the Gospel
  • Grow in believing and confessing the Christian faith
  • Live a Christian life, with Jesus leading the way. 
  • Face each day with new happiness, purpose, and hope as one of God’s forgiven people.

Growing as God's people is a learning resource based on Luther's Small Catechism

Growing is an important part of your life. And growing as one of God's people in understanding and living the Christian faith is especially important for you.

God makes this kind of growing possible for us. He gives us faith and love for him so that we want to grow in our knowledge of God and in understanding his will for our life. As well, he has given us the means by which growth comes: God's Word and the sacraments through which the Holy Spirit is at Work in our life. As we use these means sincerely, we grow in faith, in knowledge, and in love.

The purpose of this book is to help you grow as a baptised child of God and a member of his church. That is why this book is called: Growing as God's People.   God will help you grow in various ways:

  • in appreciating and faithfully using God's Word and the sacraments;
  • in knowing and confessing the Christian faith as your own;
  • in following Jesus as your Lord and living as one of God's people;
  • in taking your place in the worship and work of your congregation.

You will find many pictures and illustrations in this book. They have been used to help get the message across, and to help you understand better the truths being taught. Of course, growing as a Christian means more than just learning facts about God and his Work.
We grow as Christians when the truths we have learned from God's Word lead us to form God-pleasing attitudes, and to live out the truths in our daily life.   That is why opportunity is given to talk about what you learn, and why suggestions are made about things you can do in your daily life.

The truths of the Christian faith have been arranged into 40 chapters. You will discover that the lessons follow a certain plan.

To order a copy visit

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Monday, October 17, 2016

Hymn lyrics for Lutheran Book of Worship and With one voice

Hymn lyrics for public domain hymns in the Lutheran Book of Worship and With one voice are available here and the Psalms in the Lutheran Book of Worship

Thanks to Rev Amber Bergeron from Our Redeemer's Lutheran Church in Badger, MN

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Book: When men grieve: Why men grieve differently?

Psychologist Elizabeth Levang, author of Remembering with Love, explains the special ways that men grieve so those who love them can better understand what they're going through.
This book is a very honest and straightforward portrayal of men and grief.  It has helped many men and those who love them to a deeper understanding and to healing.    This book also looks at grief and shows why women seldom understand men's grief and why, so often, men remain in grief for a much longer period, once they begin.

New understandings --
ch. 1. When men and women grieve --
"Follow the wind: songs for stained souls" / Ralph O. Robinson --
ch. 2. Language of grief --
"My father" / Jon Masson --
ch. 3. Process of grieving: the thinking male --
"No longer here / Jim Amundsen --
Realities and challenges --
ch. 4. Denial --
"The last fishing trip" / Larry D. Johnson --
ch. 5. Anger --
"The wounded animal syndrome" / Robert W. Ross --
ch. 6. Control --
"A grief resolved" / J.B. Blair --
ch. 7. Bitterness --
"Fatherless" / John L. Jankord --
ch. 8. Addictive behaviors --
"The price of success" / Richard Friberg --
ch. 9. Despair --
"Caught in a golden parachute" / Jim Murrow --
pt. 3. Prospects for renewal --
ch. 10. Time of change and healing --
"Choosing happiness over sorrow" / Thomas Chalfant --
ch. 11. Transformation --
"The circle of grief" / Kent L. Koppelman.

Book: Reading the Liturgy: An exploration of texts in Christian worship

This is a unique contribution to discussions within churches about the provision of suitable words for liturgical worship and to debates among scholars about liturgical hermeneutics, as well as offering a new methodological paradigm for liturgical studies to inspire students and researchers.  By combining insights from literary and linguistic studies with those from historical and contemporary liturgical studies, Juliette Day investigates the nature of a text in relation to unscripted speech; how authors and worshippers make use of genre, narrative and other texts; how the textuality of the liturgy as well as its ritual context affect the sort of language used in worship and what implicit meanings are conveyed in the way liturgical texts are printed in books. 
Day discusses the history of liturgical texts and their function, as well as liturgical genres and narratives. She examines the function of language in liturgical worship and emphasizes its meaning for readers, worshippers and speakers. Day applies insights from literary and linguistic studies to liturgical texts in a comprehensive fashion, making it accessible to a broad readership.

What others are saying about Reading the Liturgy!!
Craig Stephens (preferred Amazon Reviewer)
Day investigates the myriad elements of the textuality of liturgies. While expositing the concrete literary aspects of liturgical texts, Day highlights the uniqueness of the worshipful, communal and liminal natures of liturgies that set them apart from other writing and speech.
In addition to the details of the written text, Day highlights the relationship between the author’s intended meaning and the liturgy’s significance for participants. She elaborates on the processes of liturgical production, revision, acceptance and interpretation. The liturgical narratives can serve as guiding forces in helping a person join his or her narrative to the narrative of Christ and the story of salvation. Liturgy reinforces this redemptive experience at every worship event. Day asserts, “The liturgy is where my narrative and God’s narrative meet.” This is why the liturgical narrative is of fundamental importance to Christian worship and mission.
Day addresses the changes in culture and worship styles that effect the meaning and efficacy of liturgy including a decline in Biblical literacy among people. The author is aware of the increase of spontaneous worship and innovative styles that might preclude the performance of liturgical worship. Similarly, she responds to objections that some Christians have toward repetition in worship.
For Day, the liturgy creates shared prayer and shared worship that connect salvation history, present participation and future potentiality. The liturgical texts facilitate divine encounters with the timeless Lord for all sincere participants.
This is a book for readers who take liturgy and worship seriously and who want to get behind the text of liturgy to its roots. Day demonstrates a keen understanding and familiarity with the many aspects of liturgical text and worship.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Home visiting Holy Communion Set (Australia only)

 If your congregation is looking to buy their own home communion set at a reasonable price you maybe interested in this. Brand New Polished Brass Home Communion visiting set which includes a 9cm Chalice, 9cm Paten, 12cm Glass Cruet and 4.5 cm 4.5cm in a black carrying case made of wood lined with blue velvet. Cost $150 plus $20 postage and handling....(Australian).  
Prepayment for this order is required.    
If you are interested please email

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Healing ministry: Bill Dasch ministries

Rev. Dr. Bill Dasch Ed. D., M. Div., L.P.C. served as a pastor in the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod for 42 years
He says, ““All people can pray for healing because it is God who heals!””
With those words, Dr. Bill Dasch challenges people today to lay hands on the sick and pray for healing. He personally has seen God heal heart disease, heart attacks, strokes, cancer, constant pain, life-threatening blood clots, headaches, tumors, fevers, and much more. A cutting edge leader in healing prayer ministry, Bill Dasch never promises healing but seeks the Healer, Jesus Christ, through the power of the Holy Spirit. 
He introduced healing prayer to St. Mark Lutheran Church, Houston, Texas, a large church in 1993. In three years, St. Mark became a church of prayer. He moved to St. John Lutheran Church, Mansfield, Texas in 2004. God has been doing great things there through the ministry of prayer. His entire staff was trained and prays for any who need prayer. Bill transitioned to full time prayer ministry in August, 2015.
Bill was born in 1946 in Jennings, Louisiana, Bill Dasch attended Concordia College, Austin, Texas and graduated from Southwest Texas State University in 1969 with a degree in Speech and History. He attended and graduated from Concordia Theological Seminary, Springfield, Illinois in 1973. While serving as pastor of a town-gown church in Commerce, Texas, he received his Masters in Counseling and later a Doctorate in Counseling from East Texas State University (now Texas A & M at Commerce). He has served as Minister of Singles and Counseling and Senior Pastor at St. Mark Lutheran Church, Houston and St. John Mansfield, Texas as Senior Pastor for 11 ½ years.  The church in Mansfield grew from less than 200 to an average attendance of 565. Pastor Bill has published articles in the Lutheran Witness and numerous newspapers. He has led singles, pastoral and lay conferences in Michigan, Minnesota, Texas, Nebraska, Florida, Ohio, and Canada. He has written and published Reclaiming the Healing Ministry of Jesus – A Comprehensive Workbook. A Leader’s Guide has also been published to assist in teaching and training. His healing ministry is included in two chapters of Ron Rehrer’s book, Lighthouses of Hope .
His wife, Sheila, is a strong supporter of healing prayer. She has a special ministry alongside Bill’s prayer ministry. Bill and Sheila have 3 sons; one at home, one safe in heaven and one in Tampa, Florida.
When once asked about upcoming workshops for pastors and lay people, Bill stated, “I am amazed at what God does through ordinary people. I pray that people will experience the extraordinary and realize God may have meant this to be the ordinary. These workshops are meant to help people recover the healing ministry of Jesus Christ in light of our understanding of the Holy Scriptures. Come and be amazed!”About Us

What is Bill Dasch Ministries, Inc.?
It is a Christian not-for-profit 501(c)3 ministry, that prays for healing and empowers others to pray for healing. 
They have a passion for laying on of hands and praying for people with serious afflictions in body, mind, or spirit in the name of Jesus.

Their Vision
To see the healing ministry of  Jesus Reclaimed, Restored and Released in every church, home and individual.  We see a time when praying for healing is a normal part of church ministry.  We dream of families laying hands on each other and praying for healing. 
We see healing the sick as an ordinary part of our lives.  We dream of raising up people and churches who will walk in God’s healing power and take healing to the world as He furthers His Kingdom.

Their Mission
To pray for healing and to teach others to pray for healing. 
We do this through conferences, church events, personal encounters and by providing resources for praying for healing.

Their Beliefs
God loves us and desires healing in this broken world.
God uses believers to lay hands on others and pray for healing.
Praying for healing can be taught.
While a few have the gift of healing, all are called to pray for healing.
Every church is a healing center.
The greatest healing is our salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ.
The bible is the inspired Word of God and thus is our authority for action and beliefs.
Jesus Christ is the only Savior of the world.

They offer
Personal prayer for healing for anyone in the world
Home Visits
Hospital Visits
R3 training - to equip the saints to reclaim, restore and release the healing power of Jesus
Prayer healing cards
7 days of prayer resource for congregations
Prayer train - resource

To discover more about Bill Dasch ministries and obtain some healing resources visit

Monday, October 10, 2016

6 books for Advent

The Little Book of Advent: Daily Wisdom From the World's Greatest Spiritual Teachers compiled by Canon Arthur Howells 
The Little Book of Advent is an indispensable collection of readings from some of the most celebrated modern-day spiritual writers, with passages specially selected for each day of Advent.
These carefully chosen insights come from men and women, lay and ordained, across the denominational spectrum, and their wisdom is combined with both a suggested scripture passage, and a prayer to make your own.
This book can be used either for self-reflection or to spark discussion in groups during an Advent course. It is a volume that will become a treasured part of your prayer life during the run-up to Christmas, and can be used year after year.
Canon Arthur Howells is a retired priest, having served all his ministry in the Church in Wales.

Tidings of Comfort and Joy: A Christmas Feast of Faith and Fun by Pam Rhodes  
Pam Rhodes is best known as the familiar face of the BBC's Songs of Praise, and here she brings together her personal selection of carols, poems, Bible readings and other inspirational passages from a wide range of sources.
As well as the usual old favourites - from Hark the Herald Angels Sing to the stories of the shepherds and the wise men visiting the baby Jesus - there are plenty of lighter moments, with excerpts from Gervase Phinn's memoirs and funny poems by modern writers. Alongside the items themselves Pam shares some of her own Christmas reminiscences and explores the resonance of the Christmas story for all our lives in her trademark inviting and heartwarming style.

There is something here for everyone, from those wanting to enjoy dipping in for a taste of Christmas to those needing a sourcebook to inspire selections for Christmas services. Enjoy!

Songs for the Waiting by Magrey R. deVega 
Despite the presence of many beautiful Advent songs in many of our hymnals, most of us would prefer to skip right to singing our favorite Christmas carols. But in our rush to get to the joy of Christmas, we forget what Advent is all aboutwatching and waiting for the coming of a promised king.
It is not about shopping, partying, gift wrapping, and vacationing. It is about resting, trusting, praying, and seeking. Through the words of moving Advent hymns and the powerful words of Scripture, Songs for the Waiting will help readers reclaim a sense of the beautiful anticipation and preparation that is central to Advent.

Lighted Windows: An Advent Calendar for a World in Waiting by Margaret Silf 
The world waits - sometimes holding its breath in fear of what tomorrow may bring, sometimes in a haze of busyness, or boredom, in which we hardly know what we are waiting for. Yet we still wait in hopefulness. The birth of a baby invariably stirs deep wells of hope in the human heart. Perhaps in this generation, things will get better. Perhaps this child will make a difference. As we approach the Christmas season we prepare to celebrate the coming to earth of someone who really does make a difference. At this season the 'windows' of our human experience can change from rows of faceless panes, perhaps grimy with dirt, into lighted windows that open up new possibilities and coax us into a place where rejoicing might be possible. The journey mapped out in this book is an invitation to look into some of these lighted windows, and discover a few reflections of what we wait for, and long for-reflections of God's guidance, his call to trust him and live by his wisdom. Each window seeks to bring familiar scripture into focus with everyday living, encouraging us to enter right into the place where God is coming to birth, and to make the experience of Bethlehem our own. And finally, the windows become doors, through which we are sent back to a waiting world to share our personal experience of God-with-us.

Be Not Afraid: An Advent Devotional for Busy People by Christ John Otto
December is the busiest time of the year for most people. For many it is a time of anxiety, depression, and fear. This hope-filled book is filled with short readings and prayers based on the first chapter of Luke. The readings are short, and the message is clear: Be not afraid.

When Will It Be Christmas? 25 Stories and Family Activities for Advent Hardcover by Carol Garborg 
Capture the childhood excitement and joy of counting down the days until Christmas with this fun hands-on devotional. Scripture, questions, stories, and simple activities draw families together to celebrate the coming of Christmas. It is the one present all members of the family will be happy to share!

Book: Afraid:Demon Possession and Spiritual Warfare in America

Afraid:  demon possesion and spiritual warfare in America is a fascinating and unnerving book,  Afraid is a must-read that equips all Christians to recognize the devil’s influence in our society and to act on it. 
Robert Bennett describes real events and actual confessions people have shared with him of demonic encounters—in America, in our modern age. Summoning demons, interacting with “ghosts,” and holding séances led to what many may call horrifying hallucinations and even schizophrenia. But for many Americans, these things are their spirituality.
How can we break free from the despair and crushing fear that such encounters can bring? How do we come to the aid of our neighbors who are lost in Satan’s deceptions? Bennett points us to the only way out: God’s grace and the medicines He gives to His people.

What people are saying about Afraid
“Afraid is wonderfully written, faithfully confessed, and frightfully good. Dr. Bennett carries the reader through the spiritual chaos wreaking fear upon our culture, our neighbors, friends, and family. As you make your way through each chapter, Dr. Bennett skillfully weaves Scripture in and out of real-life stories, teaching doctrine and holding forth Jesus Christ as the only true exorcist. Through His ordinary Means of Grace, Jesus stills every rustling leaf in the wilderness, things that go bump in the night cease, and unclean spirits are cast out. The baptized have nothing to fear." —Rev. Dr. Tony Sikora, Senior Pastor, Hope Lutheran Church 

“Afraid reads like a fast-paced novel. You will learn more about the devil and God’s grace in this book than from watching a lifetime of TV preachers. After you read Afraid, you will never pray the same way again, ‘Let your holy angel be with me, that the evil foe may have no power over me!’
“Afraid serves as a wakeup call to all Christians about the spiritual realities that surround us and our children. Bennett explains the importance of centering spiritual care on Scripture, the Catechism, and the hymnal so that you never need to be afraid. Afraid will open your eyes to the spiritual universe all around you. It will also give you comfort as you cling to Christ and His Word and His church.”  —Rev. Ross Johnson, Director of Disaster Response, LCMS Office of National Mission

“Afraid? Jesus is Lord. Finally, a much needed approach that points the church to dwell not on the devil and his lies, but rather on Jesus as Lord, who has conquered sin through His Gospel. Bennett calls upon the church to be thorough in her catechesis and so awaken to our Lord Jesus who is present through His divine service to comfort His people and free them from all their fears. As the stronger man, Jesus gives His gifts, namely Absolution, Baptism, and the Lord’s Supper, whereby the strong man must flee. This book is no theology of glory, but rather one of the cross in which the Christian church is exhorted to renounce syncretistic practices that give ground to Satan and remain faithful to her exclusive claim of Jesus as Lord. Study questions, stories, and cultural beliefs defined make this book a balanced biblical approach to the occult, useful to missionaries, seminarians, pastors, and laypeople alike.”  —Ted Krey, Regional Director of Latin America and the Caribbean, LCMS Office of International Mission

“While church attendance is on the decline in North America, fascination with spirituality is not. Armed with the Holy Scriptures and Lutheran theology, Robert Bennett has provided a book that will help readers understand the reality of the demonic that pervades the re-emergence of paganism in our culture. In a conversational style and with judicious use of case studies, Bennett has provided both pastors and laypeople with a useful resource for better understanding that the battle in which we engage is not against flesh and blood but spiritual forces of darkness. Pastors who are increasingly confronted with circumstances marked by demonic activity will find Bennett’s advice for spiritual care both sober and sound.”   —John T. Pless, Assistant Professor of Pastoral Ministry and Missions and Director of Field Education, Concordia Theological Seminary

"Drawing especially on Luther, Lutheran hymns, and Lutheran pastoral experiences, Bennett addresses the reality of dark spiritual forces. Most importantly, however, he reminds us that we should ‘tremble not’ for the devil. Christ is victor: we need not be afraid."  —Craig S. Keener, F. M. and Ada Thompson Professor of Biblical Studies, Asbury Theological Seminary

“Dr. Bennett has written an intriguing and much needed work. He addresses quite practically the spiritual warfare in which American Christians in particular find themselves enmeshed. Our enemy is cunning and would happily divert us at any cost from what finally defeats him. Constantly, Dr. Bennett calls us back to the divinely powered Means of Grace, the Word and Sacraments of Jesus, and the unspeakable comfort of the sinner’s free justification. Here is a distinctively Lutheran approach to the spiritual battle and it is much needed.”  —William Weedon, LCMS Director of Worship and Chaplain of the International Center

Thursday, October 06, 2016

Booklet: Coping with disappointment in ministry

Most church leaders experience disappointment of one sort or another at some stage of their ministry, yet it is a subject rarely touched upon in church life or leadership literature.
This honest study examines the main causes and consequences of disappointment for ordained and lay leaders, and outlines strategies for coping with it when it comes. It argues that facing disappointment honestly is a key leadership quality that can help us to build resilience, as well as nurturing our trust and hope in the author and perfecter of our faith.

For a review of Coping with disappointment in ministry visit

To buy a copy of the booklet visit

Wednesday, October 05, 2016


MyChurchToolbox is a site that offers free, easy-to-use tools for ministry.  They offer fuss-free templates, thought-provoking devotions, and fun clip-art images to help you develop fress weekly bulletins.
Visit MyChurchToolbox

Monday, October 03, 2016 is a web site to help people prepare for the reformation commemeration in 2017.
The site is regularly updated with information on:

  • History
  • Theology
  • Worship
  • Media
  • Resources
  • Getting Involved

Sunday, October 02, 2016

Gospel Magic

Many pastors and congregations use object lessons to illustrate the Gospel and teachings of Christianity.   One form of object lessons used by some is Gospel magic.   It is important to remember that Gospel magic is about promoting the Christian message, is not used to invoke spirits and is used to present theological points in entertaining and engaging ways.
Some resources for Gospel Magic include:
Gospel Magic Company
Mission Magic
Professor Wonder
Creative Ministry Solutions
Laflin Magic Store
Fellowship of Christian Magicians
Fellowship of Christian Magicans Germany
The Great Escape from Christian Ministry in Today's marketplace
Pinterest entries