Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Children's Story books

Bright, colourful, entertaining biblical story telling books for children is the only way you can explain the Lost Sheep book series. http://www.lostsheep.com.au/index.php

You can buy
hard cover colourful book for $7.95 Australia
Big Book for story telling for $29.95 Australia
Multi Media stories (a great way to engage a congregation or a class using a data projector)....Story telling kit for multi media story telling (4 books) $29.95 or downloadable multi media story books $10.00 a title
Colouring Books $3.95 Australia

Current titles include:
Cecil the Lost Sheep™
Bob the Bird™
The Good Samaritan
Basil the Branch™
Claudia the Caterpillar™
Zac the Taxman
Jonah and the Whale
Basil and the Secateurs™
Webster the Preacher Duck™
Jesus and the Children
The Man with Leprosy
Bill the Brilliant Branch™
Echidnas on Everest™
Peter the Fisherman
Cecil and Psalm 23
The Gardener and the Vine

Great value and a great way to freshly reveal the God stories to young ones....

Friday, August 14, 2009

Book: Personality based evangelism

Got Style?: Personality-Based evangelism by Jeffrey A. Johnson and Patricia G. Duckworth

Intimidated by the Great Commission? Cringe at the idea of evangelism on the street corner or going door-to-door? Pastor Jeff Johnson will transform your commitment to sharing the good news of Jesus as individuals and as a congregation. Identify the evangelism style that suits your personality, learn from biblical and contemporary role models who employ the same strengths, and discover the joy in introducing family, friends, or strangers to the life of faith.

Chapters include:
Assertive Style: This is the way I see it...
Analytical Style: I think therefore I am
Storytelling Style; Have I ever told you about...
Relational Style: Have I ever told you about...
Invitational Style: Would you like to come
Incarnational Style: Preach the Gospel at all times...and if necessary use words

Paper: The Mission of the Church to Hispanic congregations

A paper by Pastor José Luis Avendaño

The mission of the church: a contribution to the evangelistic work with Hispanic communities in the United States, from the principle of discipleship as the central axis of the Christian Mission.

To view this paper visit http://docs.google.com/View?id=dgjf3bcp_9d9d8htg3

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Lutheran Leadership 11: Diversity and differences a problem or a blessing

Do you see the differences and diversity in your congregation or organisation as problems or good?

Some people dislike differences simply because it is harder to manage and harder to relate to. However read 1 Corinthians 12:12-27....

God's perspective on differences is that they are actually a strength. Different ideas, talents, skills and opinions actually help us to grow and develop. Differences are needed for our organisation or congregation to be healthy, Godly and more complete.

Somethings to reflect on and discuss
What are the differences in your congregation or organisation?
How are the differences that exist in your congregation or organisation be of benefit?

Many people find it difficult to be part of an organisation or congregation where there are too many differences, however read Colossians 1:15-18, Ephesians 1:22-23, James 4:7 and Ephesians 5:21.
Somethings to reflect on and discuss
What do these passages suggest make it possible for a diverse congregation to survive?
What does this mean for your congregation or organisation?

Spend time praying about the difference in your congregation/organisation and how they can benefit the rest of the congregation/organisation.

Booklet: How to share Christ confidently

CPH has produced a little booklet to help people in sharing Christ....How to share Christ confidently, for only $2.99.

from the publisher
In too many instances, trying to witness becomes frustrating and an uncomfortable experience. Consequently, a large number of Christians rarely, if ever, say anything to anyone about Jesus.
How to Share Christ Confidently offers effective tips and techniques to help people boldly and confidently share the Gospel message. Practical and hands-on, this resource addresses the number one obstacle to personal witnessing - fear.
Each chapter concludes with exercises designed to confront and overcome that fear, helping believers to step out of their comfort zone and into everyday evangelism.

A school and congregation sharing Christ together

Read about how a school and a congregation are sharing Christ together in this article Immanuel Lutheran School, Batavia, Ill.